News & Opinions
Hungarian election: United opposition poses serious challenge to Fidesz - 06 Apr 2018
The peculiarities of the electoral system give the opposition a chance, but whoever wins will have to contend with significant medium-term economic challenges. read more
FDI in Eurasia: too little and from the wrong places? - 05 Apr 2018
The post-Soviet space has not been very attractive for foreign investors, owing largely to a poor investment climate and frozen conflicts. read more
Serbia and Kosovo: Legitimacy deficits are barrier to Brussels Agreement progress - 29 Mar 2018
The arrest of Marko Djuric and potential for a serious escalation will likely force an even stronger role for the EU as a mediator. read more
Kosovo’s new power plant provokes environmental and cost concerns - 23 Mar 2018
The plant will cut the energy deficit and boost the economy, but many aspects of the project have been criticised. A clean, sustainable energy future for Kosovo lies elsewhere. read more
EU cohesion policy has mixed results for firms’ productivity - 22 Mar 2018
In some areas the impact appears to be negative, although this may change over time. read more
Labour’s falling share of national income – and what to do about it - 21 Mar 2018
Centralised wage bargaining or a larger role for the state have limited the fall in the wage share since 1960. read more
Convergence or disintegration in Europe? The problem of structural polarization - 20 Mar 2018
The current economic upswing masks continued underlying challenges; ensuring long-term convergence and stability will require coordinated fiscal, wage and industrial policies. read more
Further improvement in Western Balkan labour markets last year - 20 Mar 2018
Despite the positive trends, the region continues to struggle with low activity rates, and high levels of long-term and youth unemployment. read more
Mit eiserner Faust gegen NAFTA? - 19 Mar 2018
US Präsident Trump erhöht aus 'Sorge um die nationale Sicherheit' Zölle auf Stahl- und Aluminiumprodukte. Handelsdaten deuten dagegen auf Druckausübung auf NAFTA-Verhandlungspartner. read more
In Zahlen: von Stahl zu Fahrzeugen - 17 Mar 2018
Angedeutete US-Zölle auf Fahrzeuge stellen jene gegen Stahl und Aluminium in den Schatten. In Europa können diese Maßnahmen regional gänzlich unterschiedliche Effekte zeigen. read more