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News & Opinions

The EU minimum wage directive: A chance for decent earnings in Central Eastern Europe - 24 Jan 2024

In 2024, EU governments must implement the directive into national law. Its success will depend on the willingness to accept unions and employer organisations as equal partners read more

Fiscal policy for the 21st century – meeting economic, social and climate challenges - 13 Dec 2023

Summary of our conference with the European Macro Policy Network and Dezernat Zukunft on alternative fiscal policies, including discussions on climate investment and fiscal rules read more

How successful is the labour-market integration of refugees in Austria? - 11 Dec 2023

Refugees enter the labour market with a delay and often hold less stable, lower-status jobs; integration programmes have proved effective read more

Patents as green technology barometers: trends and disparities - 27 Nov 2023

Energy and transportation lead with 36% and 34% of global green patents. Advanced economies drive innovation, leaving developing nations far behind. This gap worsens climate risks and inequalities read more

Study: Ukraine’s EU accession is feasible - 15 Nov 2023

Ukraine is no outlier; an economic catch-up process like in the EU-CEE countries is possible; IT and agriculture with potential; demographics, corruption and the weak rule of law are problematic read more

wiiw is hiring an Economist interested in regional and spatial analysis - 15 Nov 2023

The candidate should have an MA in economics and/or spatial planning and good quantitative and econometric skills read more

European integration? How borders (still) matter for the development of EU regions - 31 Oct 2023

While the gap between centres and peripheral border regions in Western Europe is narrowing, it continues to widen in most EU-CEE countries, negatively impacting the European integration process read more

Autumn Forecast: Growth in Eastern Europe under pressure - 11 Oct 2023

Recession in Germany, weak euro area, high interest rates weigh on economies; Visegrád countries weak; Ukraine recovers somewhat; arms boom and primitivisation of the economy in Russia read more

wiiw is hiring a Senior and a Junior Economist specialising in tax analysis, interested in tobacco and health issues - 06 Oct 2023

The candidates should widen our expertise on tax and health issues as part of a new research group read more

Spring Seminar 2023: Ukraine and the Future of Europe - 04 Oct 2023

As Kyiv continues its military and economic fight against Russia, the outcome of the war will be key to Europe’s future read more
